
How to wear a tie – Easy Step by Step Instructions to wear a tie

Hello friends, today in this article we will talk about how to wear a tie-easy step by step instructions to wear a tie.
Who doesn’t like to tie a tie and very few people know how to tie a tie. At a wedding, if you want to tie a tie with your dress but you do not know how to tie a tie, then you keep waiting for someone else to come and tie a tie. But don’t worry I am here for your help. We discuss easy steps to tie a Tie in an elegant way.

Tying a tie is not everything, how is it tightened so that its knot looks perfect. What should be the length of the Everything matters?

We will discuss three ways to wear a tie. This knot is also called a half knot.

Single knot:

This is a very easy knot style to wear a tie.

Step 1. Put on the collar tie of the shirt.
Step 2. Keep the length longer on the left side and shorter on the right side.
Step 3. Now place the long part on the short and cross while overlapping. Now bend the long side to the bottom of the short part.

Step 4. Make sure to move the long length part and hold the short one with your fingers.
Step 5. Now move the lower part towards the neckline and pull out the lower part. Also, tighten it a little. Now overlap the cone with the long part and move it inwards and outwards in the whole.
Your single knot style tie is ready.

Double Knot:

This knot is an actual perfect knot.

Step1. Put a tie on the collar of the shirt.
Step2. Keep left sidelong and right side short length.
Step3. Now cross keeping the long side above the short side.
Step4. Now move the long side towards the neckline and pull it out on the left side.

Step 5. Now move this part downwards pull the right side downwards and put the inner side back towards the neckline. Will form a cone-like shape.
Step 6. Now overlap the cone with the long side.
Step 7. Now move it inwards and out of the whole. To tighten, pull the bottom part and tighten it.
Your double knot tie is ready.

Triple knot:

You can tie the tie with this knot occasionally but for this knot, the length of the tie should be a little longer.

Step 1. Insert the tie into the collar. Cross the long length over the short.
Step 2. Bring the long side out, now overlap the neckline instead of moving it inwards.
Step 3. After overlapping, insert it inside the neckline. Now pull it back to the left side.
Step 4. Move to the neckline and out to the right side.

Step 5. Put it back in the neckline and take it out.
Step 6. While overlapping, take it in and take it out of the whole.
Its cone will also get a little thicker. Now your Triple knot tie is ready.


• Tie length should always be up to the waistline of the pant.
• For a tie style with a triple knot, lengthen the length of the tie.
• Tie and square should be the same.
• If you make a turban then just match it with the tie turban.
• Tie boosts your confidence.

• Tie makes your overall look charming.
• You can wear it with any formal outfit.
• Be sure to wear a tie for social events or job interviews.
• Choose the color of the tie according to your outfit.


Q. Where can one go wearing a Tie?

Ans. Formal events, office, job interviews, social events, casual events.

Q. What should a tie look like for a triple knot?

Ans. The tie length should belong for the triple knot.

Q. What should be the width of the tie with classic suits?

Ans. The width of the tie with classic suits should be 8 to 9 cm.

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