
9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly

Laundry is not everyone’s favorite activity. And many women find it a little difficult. Because laundry involves not only washing clothes but also collecting all the dirty clothes, washing them, drying and pressing them, and then putting them in the right place. Many women wash their clothes only once a week, which adds to their workload.

So clothes must be washed every day or two. Today in this article we will talk about some sustainable laundry routines eco-friendly and smoothly and some washing tips to last longer. So let’s get started …

Sort your dirty laundry:

sort dirty clothes 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly- by stylewati

If you have already sorted your dirty laundry, your laundry work will be over much faster. For example, put different baskets in your laundry room, in which you can keep colored clothes, white clothes, towels, kitchen towels, undergarments, and socks separately. If you don’t have space to keep a basket in your laundry room, use hanging laundry hampers.

Make a laundry schedule:

laundry schedule 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly- by stylewati

It is very important to have a schedule for laundry. Which clothes to wash from time to time. You can wash regular clothes every day but wash bed sheets, bath towels, kitchen towels only once or twice a week. Make the timetable and put it in the laundry room. The entire washing schedule will be written on it and some DIY tips to get rid of the stain. This will help you a lot. And you won’t be confused as to which clothes are washed and which are not.

Laundry washing supplies:

washing supplies - 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly-by stylewati

Detergent powder and liquid should always be close to the washing machine. Check from time to time which item is about to expire. This will save you a lot of time. Use liquid detergent instead of detergent powder. It dissolves easily in clothes and water. Use separate detergents for delegate and woolen clothes such as size and Veloce detergent. Don’t use too much detergent, use only according to clothes. Use separate detergent for baby clothes like baby laundry detergent. For good smell use comfort vanish and essential oil, you can also use vinegar.

Pre-treating stains:

pre treating stains 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly- by stylewati

Any stains must be cleaned by hand before washing in the machine. Stains are difficult to remove when they are very old so clean stained clothes immediately. Use some DIY remedies for this.

Washer Settings:

washer settings- 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly -by stylewati

Do not change the settings of the machine repeatedly. Once set water temperature, load and cycle do not change again. Most clothes are washed on one bicycle. Cycle for 15 to 10 minutes and water temperature of 20 to 40 degrees. Clothes that are not stained and can be washed in cold water also save electricity. Soak clothes that are dirtier by soaking them in water and detergent for a while. Wash bedsheets and towels above 40-degree temperature because they have a lot of germs.

New Clothes:

new clothes 9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly-by stylewati

Always wash new clothes separately. This is because washing new clothes with another cloth will cause them to deteriorate more quickly. Soak them in normal water and detergent for 60 minutes. Read their washing instructions carefully before washing new clothes. So that you’re new clothes don’t get damaged. Many clothes are hand washable so do not machine wash them. Be sure to wash the babies once before putting on the new clothes or the baby may have rashes.


drying -9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly- stylewati

When clothes are washed, dry them outdoors but avoid direct sunlight. Use a good drying stand to dry clothes. If you do not have space to stand then go for a Machine dryer. Fold the fabric immediately after drying. If you find it boring then start folding by playing music. Hang the syntactic fabric and fold and place it in the closet immediately.


ironing-9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly-by stylewati

It depends on your choice. Many people get their clothes ironed by professionals and many like to iron clothes themselves. Some iron only once a week and many irons on a daily basis. But I would suggest that you must iron the regular wearable fabrics of cotton once a week. And what you have to wear from time to time, press it when you have to go out somewhere.

Washing Machine care:

washing machine care-9 way to start sustainable laundry routine eco-friendly - by sylewati

When the clothes are washed, take them out and leave the machine door open for a while. Thoroughly clean the inside of the machine once a week. Be sure to do the interior after using the machines. Once a month, empty the drum of your machine with hot water and clean it. If possible, add two cups of vinegar.


Q. How many times a week should bed sheets and towels be washed?

Ans. Once or twice a week with hot water.

Q. When should the inside of the machine be cleaned?

Ans. The inside of the machine must be cleaned once or twice a week and the drum of the machine once a month.

Q. Why keep baskets in the laundry room?

Ans. Baskets are used to separate all dirty clothes such as white clothes, colored clothes, towels, undergarments.

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