
Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi

Hi Friends, Today in this article we will talk about some beauty tips you should know before playing Holi.
Happy Holi Friends, Everyone loves playing Holi. Everyone paints each other. There is a lot of Holi party trends going on these days. Playing Holi gives color to skin, hairs, and body and rashes and irritation due to chemicals in colors. Many do not even play holi out of fear.

That their skin will be damaged. But don’t worry I am here for your help. We discuss some beauty tips that you can follow to protect your skin and body from harsh chemical colors. So let’s get started …

Apply oil or cold cream

apply cold cream - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

Be sure to apply cold cream or coconut oil all over your body before playing Holi. This way the colors will not damage your skin.

If you don’t have oil or cream on your skin then the colors will go inside your skin. To apply a good amount of cold cream or oil.


clothes - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

Make sure to wear full-body clothes on the holi. Which covers the maximum part of your body. Wear long sleeves shirt or Kurti and ankle-length jeans.

Save your skin as much as you can on holi. These beauty tips will go a long way in protecting your skin from the harsh chemicals of holi.


sunscreen - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

The fun of playing Holi comes only in an open garden or outdoor. But then there is a lot of sunshine and this leads to tanning. Apply waterproof sunscreen to protect your skin from sun tanning.

Especially where your body is not covered, like arms, neckline, hands, feet. These beauty tips will go a long way in protecting your skin from tanning and harsh colors.

Lips & Eyes

lipbalm - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

On the day of Holi, be sure to apply lip balm or lipstick to protect your lips from color. If your lips are dry then the colors will stick to your lips, and this is not true at all. So make sure to apply lipstick before playing holi.
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. If you don’t want to wear sunglasses then apply Vaseline on under eyes and upper area of eyes. This Beauty tips protect your eyes and lips from harsh chemical colors.


apply nail paint - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

On the day of Holi, be sure to protect your nails and cuticles from color. Gently massage the vaseline on your cuticles. This will prevent the colors from getting inside the cuticles. And to protect the nails, apply 2 coats of dark nail paint. With this, the colors will not go to the nails but will remain on the nail paint.

Hydrate yourself

hydrate - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

It is very important to keep yourself hydrated on Holi. You can drink anything like juice, water, glucose, and any energy drink. Because when chemical colors get into your skin, your skin becomes even drier and can cause dehydration.

So make sure to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible and drink lots of water.


makeup - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

It is most important to apply makeup to your face. Because the colors that fall on your skin will not go inside the skin but will remain on top of the makeup. And the colors will be easily removed from the makeup. And colors will not make the skin harsh and any type of irritation.

If your makeup is not applied then the colors will go into the open pores of your skin. It’s causes irritation and pigmentation. Just a few days before holi. Start massaging your face with an ice cube. This will close the open pores.


hairs- Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo before playing Holi. And apply a good amount of conditioner. This will smooth your hair. After conditioning your hair, apply lots of coconut oil after drying it thoroughly, also on scalp and hairs length.

Because if your scalp is dry then more colors will enter the scalp. If you have applied oil then colors will remain on top of the oil, will not go inside. Be sure to tie your hair after applying the oil. This will prevent the colors from moving inside the scalp.

And your maximum hairs will be saved from colors I know open hairs look better, but later colors are very difficult to remove. So make sure to tie your hair before playing holi. This Beauty tips protect your hair from holi chemical colors.

Tips After Holi

Do not rub too hard on your skin to remove colors. Have a gentle massage and take a shower. Try homemade remedies or ubtan to remove Colors. By cleaning the colors, you must moisturize your skin after taking a shower. Be sure to take a hair spa after removing the colors from the hairs.


aloevera - Beauty tips you should know before playing Holi- by stylewati

If you have any rashes with colors, wash immediately and apply aloe vera gel and wash with cold water. After washing moisturize your skin with moisturizer. Bring aloe vera gel before Holi starts. Apply immediately in case of irritation or rashes.


Q. How to protect hairs from Holi colors?

Ans. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo before playing Holi. And apply a good amount of conditioner. This will smooth your hair.
After conditioning your hair, apply lots of coconut oil after drying it thoroughly, also on scalp and hairs length. Because if your scalp is dry then more colors will enter the scalp.

Be sure to tie your hair after applying the oil. This will prevent the colors from moving inside the scalp. And your maximum hairs will be saved. So make sure to tie your hair before playing Holi.

Q. How to protect nails from harsh chemical colors?

Ans. On the day of Holi, be sure to protect your nails and cuticles from color. Gently massage the vaseline on your cuticles. This will prevent the colors from getting inside the cuticles. And to protect the nails, apply 2 coats of dark nail paint. With this, the colors will not go to the nails but will remain on the nail paint.

Q. How To Protect eyes from harsh holi colors?

Ans. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. If you don’t want to wear sunglasses then apply Vaseline on under eyes and upper area of eyes. This Beauty tips protect your eyes and lips from harsh chemical colors.


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