
At home solutions for a pain free hair removal

Many girls avoid getting wax on the face and find a way to remove unwanted facial hair in which the pain is also less and the skin is not harmed. Let us tell you that oatmeal and gelatine can also get rid of unwanted facial hair. Here we are telling you about oatmeal and gelatine and many more ways by which you can remove your unwanted hair.

Barley, Milk, and Lemon Juice

lemon and milk At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

If you are also thinking about how to remove unwanted facial hair, then let us tell you that you can do this with the help of barley, milk, and lemon juice. For this, take a teaspoon of barley powder and add a teaspoon of milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Now a paste will be ready for you.

Apply it on unwanted hair for 30 minutes and then remove the paste by rubbing it with light hands and washing the face with cold water. You have to use this recipe two to three times a week. People with sensitive skin can also use this remedy, but do not rub the skin too much.

Oatmeal and Banana

oatmeal and banana -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

This unwanted hair removal method is very easy. Take two spoons of oatmeal and blend it with a ripe banana. Now apply this paste to unwanted hair. Massage the face with this paste for 15 minutes and then wash the face with cold water. Oatmeal is rich in antioxidants that help reduce redness from the skin. Along with removing unwanted facial hair, this paste also brings a glow to the face.

Gelatine and Milk

gelatin and milk -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

Take a teaspoon of unflavoured gelatine powder, 3 teaspoons of raw milk, and a few drops of lemon juice. Now put the gelatine in a bowl and mix milk and lemon juice. Heat this mixture in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds. After removing it from the microwave, leave this paste to cool down a bit and then apply it to the unwanted hair of the face. Leave this mask on the face for 5 minutes and then remove it with the help of fingers.

Along with removing hair, this mask also eliminates blackheads and dead skin cells. This recipe is effective and safe even for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
There are other ways to clean facial hair, which are mentioned below. You can use these methods to clean hair from any part of the body other than the face.

Turmeric and Milk

turmeric and milk -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

Mix one spoon of turmeric with one spoon of milk. Now apply this mixture on the part of the face where there is hair. After about 20 minutes this pack will get completely dry. Now lightly moisten the fingers and rub it lightly on that area. Keep in mind that you have to rub in the opposite direction of hair growth until the paste is completely removed from the skin. Now wash this part with cold water.

Honey and sugar

honey and sugar -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

To clean the hair from the face, take one spoon of honey, two spoons of sugar, and one spoon of water. Take a bowl and mix all three things well by adding sugar, honey, and water. Place this mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds and allow the sugar to melt completely.

Now take out the bowl from the microwave, mix this paste well and after it cools down, apply it on the unwanted hair of the face. Put a cotton cloth or waxing strip on the place where you have applied the paste and after a few seconds pull it rapidly in the opposite direction of hair growth. Along with removing hair, this recipe also removes dead skin cells. People of all skin types can use this recipe.

Egg White Yolk and Corn Flour

egg white and flaour-At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

Take a small bowl and put one egg white in it. Now add half a teaspoon cornflour i.e. maize flour in it, add 1 teaspoon sugar, and keep mixing till a smooth paste is ready. After the paste is ready, apply it to the unwanted hair of the face. After 20 minutes, when this paste dries, try to remove it lightly in the opposite direction of hair growth. After that wash the face with cold water.

Papaya and Turmeric

papaya and turmeric -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

The remedy to get rid of unwanted hair is raw papaya and turmeric. Take one unripe papaya and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Peel the papaya and cut it into small pieces. Instead of taking the whole papaya, take 4 to 5 pieces or three papayas according to your need and grind them. Now add turmeric and mix it. Apply this paste on unwanted facial hair.

Massage the skin first with this paste and then leave this paste for 15 to 20 minutes to dry. After 15 to 20 minutes when the paste dries, then wash the face with lukewarm water. You have to use this recipe twice a week. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which works to clean the hair.

Besan, Milk, and Turmeric

besan , turmeric and milk -At home solutions for a pain free hair removal-by stylewati

To get rid of unwanted hair from the face, take half a bowl of gram flour, 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, and 1 teaspoon fresh cream. Now add enough milk to it that all these things together become ready in the form of a smooth paste. Wash the face and then apply this paste to it. Allow this paste to dry for 20 to 25 minutes. When the paste is dry, rub it with light hands in the opposite direction of hair growth.

By using this remedy continuously, you will gradually get rid of unwanted hair forever. By applying this paste, the skin will become soft and shiny. For better results, apply this paste once a week.


These methods of removing unwanted hair from the face do not cause any pain or side effects. You can get rid of unwanted hair forever with the help of these at home whenever you want.
So I hope this method helps you, if you like this article so do share.

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