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How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021

The news of ultra violet being the pantone colorr of the year 2021 may have come as a shock to us. The runway trends and the street style stars were found nailing shades of violet. Spring summer will be a great time to infuse this hue in our everyday wear. The colour is known to communicate ingenuity. If you are someone who can’t wait to try this colour, our guide shall grant you enough inspiration to revamp your style. Let’s begin!

Purple boots

Purple boots-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Yes, we tried the blacks and browns with extra details. It’s time you let them stay back in the closet. The year will be blooming with ultra violet. Just hop online and seek out for purple boots instead of the usual colors. Keep your whole look in sync with your booties by wearing a beige dress with it. Choose lighter hues as ultra violet already stands out due to its high level of brightness.

Tinted sunglasses

Tinted sunglasses-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Even accessories have entered the world of pantone colors. Those tinted sunglasses will be your mate in 2021. Let’s make the most of it this time. Wear your lavender tinted sunglasses with your denim on denim outfit. Opt for statement accessories to be a bit extra in the crowd.

Contrast pants

Contrast pants-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Who thought wearing denims would also mean letting our style go beyond the basics? Ultra violet color can be your armour for brunch hours or cocktail nights. All you need to do is make yourself comfortable with this color. Wear violet pants with a light hued pink top. You could try layering here to satisfy yourself from the unstable weather chills.

Purple cardigan

Purple cardigan-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Seems like the weather has been playing quite a lot with us lately. Let’s make use of those long cardigans for the remaining days now. Don’t you want to look polished and prepped every time you step out? Try the ultra violet trend merged in cardigans then. Wear it with your tank top and frayed jeans.

Head to toe in ultra violet color

Head to toe in ultra violet colour-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

We swear you are not going to look like a clown when you opt for this style. When we say head to toe in colour, we don’t mean the typical shade. Experiment with different shades of purple as there’s style for everyone out there. Team a dark hued maxi dress with a holographic clutch. For accessories, wear sunglasses and a belt to go.

Satin dress

Satin dress-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Discover new ways to wear a particular dress. We know you have been sticking to the same colors like black, blue and beige. Ultraviolet color is the way to bid adieu to the overused colors. Throw a leather jacket with a purple satin dress. Make sure your jacket is cropped so your outfit appears ultra cool.

Midi skirt

Midi skirt-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Our 9 to 5 dressing needs a new life every now and then. Why not take inspiration from color ultra violet for it then? Take your work dressing to new heights by wearing a purple midi skirt with a white shirt. For maximum effect, wear mustard colored boots. Add a feminine touch with hoop earrings.

Oversized sweater

Oversized sweater-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

If you are hoping to update your fall wardrobe, look no further because this inspiration is about to get added to your racks. Refer to the color ultra violet this year and make everyone fall in awe with your OOTD game. Incorporate an oversized number with white ripped jeans and velvet booties to start off your 2021 in style.

Tassel earrings

Tassel earrings-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Those DIY videos plus the jewellery trends changing, need no excuse to enter your bauble box. That said, lay your hands on the tassels this season. Since we have already made a lot of buzz of purple color, don’t forget to add this tinge to your repertoire. You can choose a turtleneck to go with your scrunched pants and lace up heels. We bet you’ll end up trying this one.


Scarf-How to wear the pantone colour of the year, Ultra Violet in 2021-by stylewati

Finishing your outfit with finesse can be quite tricky. Scarves are the way to keep your whole attire on fleek. The bright shade of purple can instantly stand out from the rest. Team it with your basic tee and a long coat. Wear trainers instead of sneakers. Pile on a tote bag instead of mini slings to go with this repertoire.

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Nancy Arora

Nancy Arora is the editor of Stylewati, She is interested in the English and Punjabi language. She writes on many topics for Stylewati. She is the SEO expert of Stylewati, due to her efforts, has become a successful Blog Website.

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