
How to wear a lehenga in modern ways?

A wedding is never complete without a beautiful outfit and one trend that has always won an award in this regard is a lehenga. The dashing ethnic caller is a mate for the brides and the bridesmaid. From sleek designs to eye-catchy detailing, every lehenga makes us fall in awe. While that’s definitely there, let’s make this trend more versatile by choosing different ways to style it. In no time, the wedding invites will start flooding in our inbox. Here are some styling tips so that you are ready in time to nail the ethnic trend.

Lehenga with a long jacket

Lehenga with a long jacket-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

Swap the usual crop top game for a long jacket. For all the women out there, who notice their tummy bloat every time they wear a lehenga, say hello to these jackets. Put on subtle hues here. Choose colours like pastel pink or beige with zardosi detailing. Don’t wait more and let your love affair with statement lehengas begin right away!

Interesting blouse detailing

Interesting blouse detailing-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

A Lehenga will not just stand out on its own. It needs all the support of a blouse too. Kickstart your shopping spree right away by choosing this styling tip as our best opinion. We are guessing that florals will never fall off the trend list. Finely created, opt for a flowery lehenga with an open back blouse detailed with tasseled knots. Impress and throw an impact by tying your hair up. Aren’t you already crushin’ on this one?

Accessorise right

Accessorise right-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

We have said this before, but consider this one as a fail-proof way to make your lehenga look fashionable. Since the outfit already has a lot of embroidered details, what it misses out on are ace accessories. Recently, maang tikkas have been seen a lot in the ethnic zone. Make this accessory your sure shot style hero for the occasions. Include jhumkas and balance all your accessories. Keep in mind to not overdo as we don’t want to appear like Bappi Lahri Da ( No offense, your style is still loved!)

Off shoulder crop top

Off shoulder crop top-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

Lend your outfit that final tweak and twist with an off shoulder crop top. This contemporary way of wearing a lehenga truly ditches the old heavily detailed crop tops. This trend has a modern charm to it. Get your wedding closet ready for this OOTD idea. The off shoulder neckline appears like boat neck. Choose pearl necklace to go with this combination. No fuss and hassle involved as you make this one your go-to for your friend’s wedding night!

Drape it like a saree

Drape it like a saree-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

Here’s a hybrid of two most favoured trends; saree and lehenga. Wear your dupatta in a way that it looks equal parts of elegance and chic. With a beautiful blend of colour and design, millions of fashionistas out there are gravitating towards this styling trick and tip. Flaunt your overall look by adding final finesse with a white pearl necklace and earrings.

Slit top or jacket with a lehenga

Slit top or jacket with a lehenga-How to wear a lehenga in modern ways-by stylewati

Are you in need of breaking out from the wedding outfit rut? Here’s a call that has been noticed even on the runways. Let this OOTD play your best mate for the wedding or cocktail night. Wear a slit top or a jacket over your velvet lehenga. Highlight it more by keeping your hair on one side. Indulge with lightweight neckpiece here. Keep all the style factors into consideration and make a stunning entrance as you rely on this fusion glam.

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Nancy Arora

Nancy Arora is the editor of Stylewati, She is interested in the English and Punjabi language. She writes on many topics for Stylewati. She is the SEO expert of Stylewati, due to her efforts, has become a successful Blog Website.

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