
How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer

Get, set, summers!
The face season to take out those breezy Maxi dresses or long dresses has arrived and without a doubt, it’s time we invest and indulge in them to up our daily wardrobe game. The season brings in the hottest time and since we don’t wish your style cheats on you, here’s everything you need to try out to bear the heat. Yes, floral dresses are in. So, let the fashion party begin at the earliest.

Welcoming sun hats

Welcoming sun hats-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Did anyone ever tell you how versatile long maxi dresses look with those sun hats? Let the creativity flow, in that case, I would say. With each day, the mercury is only going to keep rising. So to end the dilemma and the battlefield, here’s how you can wear your maxi dress with your sun hat. Don these two with round sunglasses and bow heels.

Top over a dress

Top over a dress-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Okay, I am not enforcing all the dresses on you. I am trying to convey that these dresses will let you sail right through the season. Even then, if you feel, you are not quite there yet, here’s what you need to do then. Grab your floral maxi dress and wear a white cami top over it. This is a newly launched idea so you can make the best use of the existing silhouettes rather than breaking your bank balance every time.

Casual Call

Casual Call-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

If you thought to wear your maxi dresses were only for heels, you’ve another think coming. Spring summer is a time to give these breezy silhouettes a chance to rev up you’re a bit, even if that means you have to keep it low key. Dream, mini floral dresses club well with braided flats. Keep your look minimal with a floral wrap dress and blush pink flats.

Whimsical white sneakers

Whimsical white sneakers-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Dear girls, if you don’t own white sneakers, do you really know what fashion is? Believe me, ever since 2015 introduced this one trend, I am dead sure they will turn into a classic in no time. White sneakers make for a perfect swap for your heels. Then be it your coffee date with your guy or a movie night with your gal pals. these sneakers won’t lack behind in the league. Team them right with your sneakers and grab a hat along if needed.

Keep it boho

Keep it boho-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Embroidery has been marking its territory for a really long time now. From romantic colours too loud bright shade dresses, most dresses have this small motif crafted on them. If you bohemian trend fanatic, this abstract embroidery is what you need to reconsider right away. Let the earthy shades showcase your persona as you wear an embroidered floral dress. A satchel bag with double bridge sunglasses has our fervent yes for the attire.

Like a slip dress

Like a slip dress-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Nothing says spring a new floral dress on the radar. This concept with an updated twist this season. Florals for spring? Yes, yes, yes, please. Bid adieu to normative dressing sense and bring in a style that’s new to all the eyes. No more stumbles as you wear your floral dress over a white shirt. And also, this is definitely not OTT and before anyone else tries it. be a style inventor and flaunt it in front of all. For more charm, complete the look with an orange satchel bag.

Street style chic

Street style chic-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

No one likes to just wear the dress and head out. There are certain pieces that do need something extra to look eccentric. Let dark florals pave the way for you then, Add some spring vibes to your style with this print and to keep the look chic and beyond, wear it with red sunglasses and patent leather boots. We guarantee some street style essence attached to this garb.

Pastel power

Pastel power-How to wear floral maxi dresses this summer-by stylewati

Calm and composed colours can go a long way for the ones who like to keep their style comparatively played down. Welcome light hue colours crafted with floral print then. Consider this one as your ultimate spring guide to wear your dress right. Look for a brown belt to match with your dress. For some contrast, wear yellow heels and look exuberant for your next evening soiree.
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Nancy Arora

Nancy Arora is the editor of Stylewati, She is interested in the English and Punjabi language. She writes on many topics for Stylewati. She is the SEO expert of Stylewati, due to her efforts, has become a successful Blog Website.

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